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The Support Plan

  • The support plan guides all of the essential information needed to facilitate a successful placement for both the employer and the candidate
  • A quality support plan is created by the Disability Employment Service in partnership with both the employer and the new employee
  • The support plan provides clarity around the roles and responsibilities of the employer and the new employee, and the Disability Employment Service

  • An effective support plan may include:
    • The type of support the new employee will need to learn the job
    • The frequency, duration and type of support the DES can offer, including
      • timeframes
      • review periods
      • requesting additional support (ie. formal or informal support, one-to-one training, workplace guidance, non-vocational support)
    • Training requirements for specific tasks and productivity coaching
    • Identifying natural workplace supports and co-worker supports
    • The process for reducing the level of support provided by the DES
    • The names and contact details of all parties: the DES contact, employer contact and the new employee’s carer if applicable
The Support Plan is a flexible, individualised 'contract' between all three stakeholders. It is a living document and should be updated regularly.
  • If the new employee requires workplace modifications to be made, the support plan may also include:
    • The equipment that needs to be purchased for the new employee
    • A plan for adapting any existing equipment or tools which may be required
    • Briefing to co-workers on any adjustments that may be required
    • Any training requirements for the new employee in the use of the equipment
  • The support plan should be signed off and a copy given to all involved, as well as a copy placed on the new employee’s human resources file. This should be repeated whenever any revisions are made to the document.


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